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Retail Customer Loyalty

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Competing in a crowded market

As digitization accelerated due to the pandemic, consumers have come to expect hybrid and online shopping experiences. However, as more retailers move online, brands are competing in an increasingly crowded space: globally, there are 9.1 million online retailers, 2.5 million of which are based in the U.S. 

To stand out in this landscape, retailers must invest in the digital customer experience. In fact, for 58% of consumers, CX is a deciding factor when making purchase decisions.

How retailers can use loyalty to boost conversion 

A retail loyalty program can be the foundation for your brand’s success. Download our ideapaper for actionable advice on how to design the best loyalty program for your audience.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Structure loyalty points and point accelerators
  • Leverage omnichannel marketing opportunities to increase loyalty program awareness and participation 
  • Promote your loyalty program using automation
  • Measure your success, including valuable KPIs to keep in mind

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